Sunday, November 14, 2010

A November of thankfulness... days twelve and thirteen

After a couple of really busy weeks for both Rodney and me, it's been really nice to get to be together the past 36 hours.  I've missed him.  

Rodney needed some new work clothes, so we went to town and accomplished some Christmas shopping while we were at it.  Last night we spent the night with Kathryn, one of my oldest friends.  I slept in Paige's bed... just like old times, only instead of Paige in the other room sleeping with her mama, now she's sleeping in her own bed away at college.  Time flies. 

Julie, another one of us, came too, and the three of us  (along with our husbands- Rodney, Chad and Chad.  Yes, seriously.) spent an evening out together eating fried chicken and listening to a great southern rock band.   We laughed and laughed and laughed... remembered lots of good times and made more.  It was tons of fun and I'm glad we made the time to do it. 

Rodney and I got home about noon and lounged around all afternoon until the girls came home from shopping and dining with Aunt Jane.  They were so excited about the Christmas presents they bought for me that they just couldn't wait and begged me to open them... all very lovely Christmas ornaments-  a couple of birds from Rayne, an acorn from Rozzie, and a fall-like leaf from Regan.  Jane gives them $xx.xx and takes them shopping each year for their birthdays and for Christmas.  She tries to let them spend their money however they wish... I try to encourage them to spend it wisely before they leave for this trip.  Overall, they do really well with their purchases.  When the girls returned we caught pieces of a couple movies together and basically did a whole lot of nothing.  Rare and priceless.

So in a nutshell I'm thankful today for...

... time with my husband.
... getting a few Christmas gifts purchased.
... time with my friends.
... time with my girls.
... Jane spending most of the day with the girls.
... my thoughtful children.  The ornaments the girls chose to spend their money on are as unique as they are beautiful.  And I'm honored that the girls thought of me.

Leaf ornament from Regan

Acorn ornament from Rosalind

Bird ornaments from Rayne

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