Monday, November 8, 2010

A November of thankfulness... days six - eight

Being gone over the weekend and having no access to the web makes for my belated showing of gratitude.  It's amazing how when knowing this is coming at the end of the day, it really makes me think throughout the day about all the little things that I truly am thankful for. 

I've been thinking how thankful I am for

... puzzles and someone to do them with me.

me and a few of my friends

... portable heaters because my feet are always cold.

... toothbrushes, and for Rozzie sharing hers with me Friday night.

... Amish potatoes.  Fat free ones, of course.  Lol... actually you might have a heart attack just looking at them... I think I put 3# of butter in them, a pound of cream cheese, a few cups of sour cream, and some condensed milk.  Thanks to all the potato testers this weekend. 

... Christmas music.  The classic Christmas music (Burl Ives, Dean Martin, etc) really is sentimental to me and the contemporary Christian Christmas music I find way more worshipful than regular praise music.  It reduces me to tears much of the time.

... campfires.  I could spend hours and hours and hours around a fire... especially if the company was good (and the wind was down).  It was very, very, very good company this weekend.  Sharing with friends who have similar values and common goals is priceless... and a rare treat.

... homemade chili.  The stuff out of a can gives me heartburn in about 5 minutes.

... Corn Bible Academy.  It has been a breath of fresh air to our family.  It's not perfect, but it's amazing.

... my resource web.  Thankful for dad's shower before we left and Aunt Linda for feeding my kitties while we were gone.

A few of my kitties sleeping on the porch

1 comment:

  1. back from a trip. it's not always the big and expensive things we need to be thankful.for in our lives. to share time with family and friends isthe best. take care rose
