Wednesday, November 3, 2010

A November of thankfulness... day three

I am thankful today for...

...having lots of resources.  For instance, I had a cat that needed to get to the vet.  My mother in law was going so she took it and dropped it off.  My friend Melissa was coming back, so she picked it up and brought it home.  (Then it caught the Gossen/Wherritt syndrome and died, and I haven't even paid the $92 bill yet.  Sigh. [unrelated causes, long story])  Anyway, back to my gratitude before I get too side tracked and all surly.  I am thankful for the people in my life that help out when asked (I'm not afraid to ask... I think that's a gift.  Seriously.)  Over the years it's been my mother in law who has time and again come to my aid.  She's selfless like that...a precious woman.  In recent years, lots and lots of my family and Rodney's family have moved to my community and I have spread the "love" around more equally.  I am so very thankful for this web of beloved people in my life.  This includes my dear friends, too. and Rodney putting in the hard work of training our children to be people that I actually like to be with.  (I know- I just ended that sentence with a preposition... sue me.)  My girls are so funny and confident, yet sensitive.  They are thinkers and aren't afraid to ask stupid questions.  They are leaders and communicators.  I am so proud and cherish each of them.  I've missed them lately.  We had a catch up session tonight after Awana and youth group.

...tomorrow being my day to drive the CBA kids to Weatherford.  It forces me to get up and moving... I don't have a choice.

...Biofreeze and Casa Soto leftovers.

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