Tuesday, June 7, 2011

We are called to be peculiar...

"We are called to be peculiar."  This is what one of my very dear and very lovely 70ish-year-old friends says often of us Christians. I love that.

Peculiar... distinctive.  Different from the usual or norm.

What I have found is that the choices my husband and I are making that go against the usual or the norm tend to offend others. We provided our oldest with Christian education- at our tuition expense and our transportation time and expense, and people in our hometown are offended. We're certainly not the first from our community to do this.  But, some of my friends are offended. Many in my church family are offended.  And I'm sure it's going to start all over again this summer when they find out our other two younger children are going to Christian school this fall, too. I don't understand this thinking.  Why do others take our choices so personal?  We're not self-righteous in our thinking or our speech. We don't spew our beliefs on others or treat others who are unlike us, like scum.  We don't even talk about our choices unless directly asked.  We're not trying to sway anyone to join us. Why then are we so offensive to the crowd (our crowd, even) just because we choose to go against the grain? Why are Christians so offensive?  Why is following Jesus so offensive? 

I love getting to know people. Especially one-on-one time with people or families where people share themselves with each other and invest time in one another. Where we actually talk about something besides pop culture... besides football (or whatever sports season we are in), besides reality tv programs...  I don't care about your "team" or your "show".  I don't care about your haircolor or your nails.  I don't care about your new technology gadgets or your new car.  I don't want to be brought up to speed on the latest "news" a.k.a. gossip in town.  There's just so much more to life than this.  I care about you.  I care about what makes you tick.  You are not defined by these things. 

I am peculiar and distinct.  Do you know what makes me tick?  Do you know where my passions lie?  So why are you choosing to judge me or be offended by me when you really don't know me?  You think you do, but really you don't.  When you choose to judge me, you choose to label me and keep your distance and not know me.


  1. I support you and your family to the fullest. I am also a peculiar person and wouldn't want to be any different. What is normal anyways?

  2. Here, here, sister!Preach on! You are so absolutely true! We are to be different."Do not be conformed by this world, but be TRANSFORMED by the RENEWING of your mind."Christians are put on the"chopping block"more times than not so,I just remember that we are to count our"sufferings"or "petty judgments", if you will, WORTHY, right?I love you, Rochelle and you and Rodney keep doing what God wants you to do and tho"heck"with everyone else! If God is for us who can be against us?<3Jewels
