Sunday, June 17, 2012

Just a reminder...

So far this summer I've chalked up a lot of windshield time.  My girls and I drove to Minnesota to see family. My cousin, Katie,  graduated high school with about 400 others in her class.  We didn't go to her graduation though... I'd rather go to a wedding or a funeral than a graduation.  Graduations are so tedious, so we went and celebrated with Katie and our family for three days instead.  Katie didn't care; she was just glad we were there.  We drove about 900 miles to be there; she felt the love.

But in the days just before we left for our planned trip to Minnesota, Aunt Jane's daddy died.  Aunt Jane is, well.... Aunt Jane.  She's one of the most special people in the world.  She's just one of those people in your life who makes you feel like you're always home when you're with her, and there's always homemade cookies coming out of the oven- just for you.  Janie is from west Texas.  Janie's daddy was also from west Texas; therefore, we had to make a decision if we would be attending a funeral for a man we've never met in a place we've never been and spend 9 hours in the car to boot.  Also we were leaving for our planned trip north in two days.  Sigh.  What to do....  we didn't want to go.  We also didn't want to miss it. 

I texted Aunt Jane and asked her specifics on when and where the services would be held the next day.  She didn't text me back.  My phone rang instead.  "Why?  You're not coming are you? (no space or breath) That will be 9 hours in the car. (still no break) I love you, and I understand, but you DON'T have to come. (slight pause)  Really."  I chuckled and told her we were "thinking" about it although the decision had really already been made.  She went into another sentiment about how much she loves us and gush, gush, gush (in lieu of blah, blah, blah) ending with a cracking voice and a few tears. Needless to say, we went.  Oh, yes, it was a long, uneventful day, but it didn't feel wasted.  Not a minute.  The next day we received a card from Aunt Jane, and part of it went like this:
          "Thank you so much for the beautiful flowers you sent, but also for making the very long trip to Plainview.  I love you all so much, and it made my heart feel so good to see your faces there.  We know you love us, and you know we love you, but I was surprised how very good it made me feel- how very loved by wonderful family- to see your sweet faces there.  I didn't want you to make that trip, but I'm so happy you did.  If you ever wonder if the nice things you do for others really matter- I want to be sure you remember that they do.  Even when somebody tells you it's not necessary!"

Just a reminder... it matters.  Do what you can.  Love others and serve others selflessly.  Discern when it matters and when it doesn't.  Put your efforts where it counts because time is precious and... it matters.

1 comment:

  1. Great blog, at the end of the day its all about family and friends nothing else really matters
